Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday September 12 - pictures from Mrs. America finals in Arizona Star Newspaper on:

Monday September 7 - We are getting so close to the finish! Breakfast is the right way to start the day (the food at this resort is AMAZING). After breakfast its back to rehearsals, then Lunch (YUM!), then more afternoon rehearsals. We are released from rehearsals at 4 pm to undergo hair and make-up for the preliminary Mrs. America show. Deata and Jo Ann make me fabulous and confident to knock em' out at the prelim show tonight! I feel great about my performance ;)

Tuesday September 8 - Today starts out just like yesterday and this afternoon we are released at 4 pm again for hair and make-up. I feel extremely prepared and relaxed after a pep talk from Alan Thicke just as the show begins! I did my ABSOLUTE best ALL evening. Florence Henderson anncounced that I had made the Top 10 at Mrs. America!!! The evenings gets a bit more intense for me as I'm annouced for Top 6! I am the last delegate in the Top 6 to answer my onstage question and I gave it 100%. As I look around at the top 6 am so proud to be in this group of extraordinary women and know that any one of us will make a FANTASTIC Mrs. America 2010! The top 3 are announced (Virginia, Missouri, and Minnesota) and Mrs. Missouri WINS. Congrats to Andrea who is our new Mrs. America 2010 ;) After the pageant the Top 10 are invited to the Presidents suite for an afterparty which was delightful!

Wednesday September 9 - Hubby and I have decided to stay a few extra days at the host hotel in Tucson for a little R & R. We enjoy time in the pool, hot tub, golf course, and a romantic dinner lakeside!

Thursday September 10 - The R & R in AZ continues ;) Cory and I head out for a mountain hike this morning. About 2.4 miles up the trail we come upon a rattlesnake (no joke!)! The hiking adventure stops immediately and we decide to spend the rest of the day at the pool ;)

Friday September 11 - Headed home to Kentucky today! What a wonderful adventure Mrs. America was!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Saturday September 5 - Up and at em' with a 6:15 am photoshoot by the pool in swimwear! Later this morning we have a MENC seminar (Mrs. America partnership to keep music in schools) as well as morning, afternoon, and evening rehearsals. Highlights of the day include introductions to Florence Henderson (one of the mc/show hosts) as well as our delegate gift exchange!!

Sunday September 6 - Do you know that the Director of Mrs. KY has a gift for me everyday here at Mrs. America? I am so blessed with such a caring and professional director! My gift today is the CUTEST Mrs. Kentucky t-shirt ;) After opening my gift I head off to hair and make-up to look my best for interview. With interview complete I'm looking forward to the JazzFest at the hotel tonight as well as evening rehearsal.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wednesday September 2 - I head out this morning for a run early and encounter some small AZ critters (lizards, BIG bugs, etc.) and beautiful desert landscape. Mrs. America show rehearsals begin at 9 AM! After rehearsals and lunch we board a bus for a Habitat for Humanity Project. Local media captures us in action: After the project we head to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant - YUM!

Thursday September 3 - I feel like we are getting into a rhythm at Mrs. America. Breakfast, rehearsals, and an outing today to La Encantada mall! We have a red carpet reception at St. John complete with champagne ;) After some shopping we head back to the hotel for rehearsals followed by a dinner reception at the Mrs. America Presidents suite with the President of the Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau. I present Mr. Walker (CVB President) with a gift from Kentucky - a Makers Mark gift basket ;)

Friday September 4 - We start off the morning with a golf photo shoot! So fun!! Afterwards we head to rehearsals, lunch, rehearsals, and then off to the Presidents dinner with the hosting hotel GM. Each delegate present Mr. Johnson a gift from their state (More Makers Mark!. Such a glamorous and exciting evening!
Thursday August 27 - I'm a Sigma Kappa Alum (University of Kentucky) -- today my Sigma Kappa Triangle Magazine arrived with a special Mrs. Kentucky feature!

Friday August 28 - Last minute stops today as Mrs. America is just around the corner. My interview suit is fresh from alterations and ready for Mrs. America. This afternoon I stop by KISS FM 96.9 for an appearance on air with Skip Eliot -- thank you for all the encouragement and support.

Monday August 31 - I arrive in TUCSON AZ for Mrs. America ;) I have family (that I haven't seen since age 3) who reside in Tucson -- they were so kind to meet me at the airport and it was such a treat to spend time with them this evening. I arrive at the hosting hotel Loewes Ventana Canyon to discover it is HUGE, FANTASTIC, with AMAZING staff.

Tuesday September 1 - My roomate, Mrs. Kansas, arrives today! She takes it in stride that her luggage is still back in Kansas because the airline didn't have enough room for her bags (??!??) She raids the hotel boutique for essentials and never once complains. Together we head down to the first official event of Mrs. America week - the orientation dinner! At orientation we meet all 51 gorgeous delegates as well as the Mrs. America staff ;)